Tuesday 8 January 2019

Article: From a good death to a better bereavement? The impact of the end of life experience on bereavement adjustment

To date, the majority of research into a good death has focused on the experience of the person who is dying.  Taking the perspective of bereaved individuals, this qualitative study explores which elements of the end of life experience constitute a good death and how these elements influence the process of bereavement adjustment. Following interviews with ten bereaved adults four themes were identified which together define a good death; a lack of physical distress, emotional resolution, 'naming death as death' and death 'at the right time'. The value of open communication prior to death is highlighted.  For those in palliative care settings, potentially modifiable elements of the end of life experience which may support better bereavement are suggested.

Wakenshaw, C. & Sillence, E. 2018. From a good death to a better bereavement? The impact of the end of life experience on bereavement adjustment, a thematic analysis. Bereavement Care, 37(3) p 109 - 117