Saturday 16 March 2019

Article: Delirium management by palliative medicine specialists

Delirium is common in palliative care.  A 21 question online anonymous survey was emailed to APPM members in current clinical practice (n=859) asking about delirium assessment, management and research priorities.  The response rate was 39%.  Delirium guidelines were used by some: 42% used local guidelines but 38% used none.  The survey showed delirium screening on admission is suboptimal, with most specialists using antipsychotics in combination with non-pharmacological interventions.  More support is required for family members along with clinical trials in view of the variation in management.

Boland, J. W. 2019. Delirium management by palliative medicine specialists: a survey from the association for palliative medicine of Great Britain and Ireland.  BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care,  March 2019 - online p 1-8.

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