Thursday 2 May 2019

Article: Palliative care for patients with motor neurone disease and their bereaved carers

This study examined the end of life care for people with motor neurone disease (MND) in Northern Ireland and the role of specialist and general palliative care.  13 bereaved carers of patients who had died 3 - 24 months previously with a diagnosis of MND were recruited to the study.  The study found variations in the levels of holistic care provided, with unmanaged respiratory and psychological symptoms causing the most distress.  Many patients had shown great reluctance to engage with specialist palliative care services, although for those who did, it was felt to be of great benefit. 

McVeigh, C. 2019. Palliative care for patients with motor neurone disease and their bereaved carers. BMC Palliative Care, online,

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