Thursday 19 September 2019

Article: Clinical nurse specialist prescribing in a cancer centre supportive and palliative care team

The aim of this study was to provide insight into the prescribing practice of 3 independent nurse prescribers (INP) working in a district general hospital and a specialist tertiary cancer centre in the UK. A review of all consultations and prescribing activity was carried out over a 3 month period in 2018.  493 consultations were undertaken on 186 individual patients. 247 (50%) consultations resulted in changes to a prescription and 50% of these resulted in the prescribing of an opioid for moderate to severe pain.   The authors conclude this study demonstrated the potential for independent nurse prescribers in this setting to provide comprehensive symptom control.  It also led to the clinical nurse specialists (CNSs) practicing with a greater autonomy, leading to enhanced job satisfaction.  They encourage all CNSs to undergo INP training.

Hall, S. et al. 2019. Clinical nurse specialist prescribing in a cancer centre supportive and palliative care team.  BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care. epub ahead of print.  August 2019.

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