Wednesday 20 November 2019

Article: Patients' needs regarding anxiety management in palliative care

This Dutch study aimed to get insight into the support needs of anxious hospice patients with advanced cancer.  14 patients were included in the study and 13 interviewed within 6 months of their death.  Information,  open communication, a sense of control, safety, adequate symptom management and respect for patients' coping strategy were the 6 main expressed needs.  The authors conclude healthcare professionals can make a significant contribution in supporting anxious patients before death with further research focusing on the development of a systematic approach to this.

Zweers, D. 2019.  Patients' needs regarding anxiety management in palliative cancer care: a qualitative study in a hospice setting.  American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine.  36 (11) p 947-954.

Contact the library for a copy.