Wednesday 20 November 2019

Article: What do relatives value most in end-of-life care for people with dementia

End of life care for people with dementia is often sub-optimal. This Dutch piece of research compared the experience of end of life care from the relatives perspective, comparing the home setting to a nursing home. Thirty-two bereaved individuals took part in the study.  Four key themes emerged from the interviews: acknowledging human dignity; being recognised as an important care giver; not talking about death and dying; and making decisions together. Recommendations for nursing homes were particularly to learn to offer the same standard of person-centred care as the home setting and ensure relatives are still involved in care.

Bolt, S. 2019. What do relatives value most in end-of-life care for people with dementia.   International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 25 (9) p 432 - 435.

Contact the library for a copy.